e-mail: itzn0tmatt@tamu.edu
Class of 2011 (Super Senior)!
I am taking this class because I thought it might be interesting and it very conveniently fulfilled an elective requirement.
The experience I bring to this class is one of someone who has experienced many different and unique things while I have been here in and outside of the classroom. Only a small portion of that being relevant to CS sadly :(
I expect to be married and be doing something that makes me happy in 10 years; what that will be, only the Lord knows =)
I think something like implanting a chip into your head to browse the web via your thoughts will happen at some point and it will be ridiculous.
If I could travel back in time, I would meet Jesus or one of the disciples because that would be AWESOME!
My favorite shoes are my soccer cleats that I have had since high school. I have played many many important games in them and they have done more than served me well.
I would be fluent in German because I think it would be cool. I don't know why else.
A few of my interests include the Green Bay Packers of the NFL, playing soccer, strengthening my faith, and doing the best I can with the resources I'm given.
Soccer is a great game.